Populi supports net neutrality and so should you

From Free Press' Save The Internet site:

On Jan. 14, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Order.

And now, the FCC is proposing rules that would kill — rather than protect — Net Neutrality and allow rampant discrimination online.

What is net neutrality anyway? And why should you care? One of my favorite YouTubers, CGP Grey, does a great job explaining not just what net neutrality is, but why we must defend it.

So what difference can we make? The White House has already responded to this petition asking for a restoration of net neutrality, and while this is a good start it doesn't actually get us any closer to the goal of preserving a free and open internet.

Save The Internet has a number of ideas about how we the people can keep the pressure on the FCC to do the right thing. On behalf of Populi, I encourage you to check out the list and take action to defend net neutrality.