Donations from organizations, library updates, and other sundry improvements

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Some recent improvements...

Organizations can make donations

Yup, you can now record donations made by organizations. Just go to the org's profile, click the Donations tab, and then Record a Donation. The screen includes records of all previous donations, a breakdown by fund, and the ability to print a tax receipt.

You can also now export PDF receipts in bulk from the Donations report—for both individuals and organizations.

Multitude of Library improvements

We've improved the way Populi handles Library holds, making it easier for your Library staff to manage your resources.

  • Populi now sets the hold expiration date when you pull the copy, rather than when the copy was simply assigned to the hold. Previously, when setting the hold expiration date based on the assignment, this frequently resulted in holds expiring before the copy was even pulled.
  • The Holds report now shows you which holds do not yet have a copy assigned to them.
  • You can also now print a hold receipt to attach to the resource copy you've pulled.

Additionally, we've added three new fields to resources:

  • Acquisition Source (an Agent)
  • Acquisition Date
  • Replacement Price
Some other items

1-20-15 DA equiv

We improved the display of equivalent courses in the Degree Audit, clarifying how a course requirement has been fulfilled by the student's completion of an equivalent course.

Course equivalencies now impact both course and course group prerequisites. Say ENG101 and WRI101 are equivalents and ENG101 is included in the "Core" course group:

  • A student who passes WRI101 would qualify for courses that require ENG101 as a prereq
  • A student who takes WRI101 would qualify for courses that require the Core course group

On the API front, you can now upload files via the API, including to term-based custom student fields.

The Financial Aid API has several new calls:

  • getAidApplication
  • getAidApplicationForStudentAidYear
  • addAidApplication
  • editAidApplication

You can now set up Bookstore tax by ZIP code to accommodate schools in states that allow differing tax rates at the county level for online sales.