The Populi development team just released the latest in a series of low-key updates to the system. Like other recent updates, this one improves Populi's back-end performance and gives some spit-and-polish to the appearance and interface. Here are the big things we let out of the gate last night...
Improved navigation in Academics
You've seen the video; now you can log in and dig the new and improved navigation in Academics.
Custom info management
We broke out Custom Info management among Admin, Academics, and Admissions. This clarifies the connection between custom info fields and where you'll use them in Populi.
A bunch of other things
You can now change a student's Programs to inactive. This is really useful when a student changes Programs mid-stream or when a student graduates and moves into a new Program at your school.
You can now include custom information on your custom transcripts.
The online application form now lets your prospects choose specific programs in addition to degrees and specializations.
Also in Admissions, we opened up application information to the API—now you can pull an applicant's data to your own custom web app.
For our Canadian customers, Financial Aid now features a built-in, automatic T4A report which lets you export a spreadsheet, PDF copies for your students, or an XML file for the Canada Revenue Agency.
We also included the usual round of bugfixes, server updates, and other little items to help keep Populi running right.