Plagiarism checking with Unicheck

We're pleased to announce the release of one of our customers' most-desired features: plagiarism checking!



We've added a new integration with Unicheck, a web-based plagiarism-checking service. Unicheck compares documents in a wide variety of formats with Internet-based sources, open access libraries and journals, and documents already uploaded to your school's account. After running the check, it presents its findings in a clear, easy-to-read report.

To use the plagiarism features...

  1. Your school sets up its own Unicheck account. Tell them you're a Populi customer and you'll get a month-long free trial!
  2. Enter some credentials in Account > Integrations.
  3. You're ready to go!

After completing these steps, your faculty can start setting up assignments  to check for plagiarism. File and Essay assignment types (including the Peer Review versions) have new options for plagiarism checking. You can choose to check student submissions automatically, and whether or not to share the plagiarism report with the student.



When viewing a student's submitted assignment, just click Check for plagiarism. After a few moments, you'll see a link to View plagiarism report; this opens a panel showing you Unicheck's findings. You can then download the report to PDF; Unicheck also gathers up statistics from the submissions for inclusion in its high-level reports.

The new feature is available right now. Have a look at the Knowledge Base to learn more about plagiarism checking in Populi.