You can now use payment gateways to take recurring payments and donations in Populi.
To get started, head to Financial > Settings > Payment Gateways in Populi. Point your Tuition & Fees or Donations uses at it. Then make sure recurring payments are enabled in Financial > Settings > General or Donations > Settings. And that's it (on the Populi side, anyway; you may also need to jiggle a few settings in your merchant terminal).

After enabling recurring payments and donations, your online payment forms will give donors and payers the option to make this one-time or recurring monthly payment. Students can also choose a payment plan and have the recurring payments follow the plan's schedule. To help you keep track of recurring payments, Billing and Donations both include Recurring reports that show you all the details, including amounts, timeframes, and payment methods. You can also manage a person's recurring payments on their Profile > Financial page or send them a link to take care of it themselves.
Stripe customers have had these features for years, and we're pleased to now be able to offer them to our users as well.